Pet Safe - WOCA Exterior Cleaner and Oil

Pet Safe - Children Safe - Plant Safe
Your deck is the perfect place to unwind after a long day at work. Kick your feet up and enjoy time with the people you love, surrounded by the beautiful outdoors and relax knowing that you, your loved ones and your pets are not being exposed to toxic chemicals.
Environmentally Friendly - Ecological Products
WOCA Denmark products takes pride in our green credentials, producing environmentally friendly, pet safe, ecological products since 1969. Our philosophy is fully focused around nature, from the way our penetrating oils are designed to protect and enhance the natural properties of wood - to the impact that the manufacturing process and products could have on the environment. These factors are keys to any decisions that we make within the business with a view to creating a safe and sustainable future for everyone.
Full line of WOCA Exterior Products
Woca Woodcare exclusively carries exterior products from Woca Denmark. We carry the full line of outdoor products that are available in the U.S. We hope that you will choose WOCA products for all of your outdoor projects this Spring, and protect you, your loved ones and the environment.
Please visit our products page for a full list of all of our WOCA Exterior products along with helpful application instructions, videos and technical specifications.
WOCA Exterior Oil Color Samples
WOCA Exterior Oil Samples are a great way to sample the available oil colors to ensure your project comes out just as you'd envisioned. WOCA Exterior Oil is an easy application and is available in 14 beautiful colors. It strengthens your wood from the inside out and protects it from the harsh outdoor conditions, like moss, algae, fungus and UV rays.