The Diamond Oil Active Designer Test Kit contains all 9 colors of WOCA's Diamond Oil Active. It is the perfect solution for finding the right color for your projects.
9 individual 9oz Diamond Oil Active Tester packages.
Coverage: each tester covers approximately 2-4 square feet.
WOCA Diamond Oil Active Designer Tester Kit Instructions
WOCA Oil Samples by Hand
- Dampen a clean cloth with water and wipe the sample evenly to open the wood grain and allow it to thoroughly dry.
- Pour a small amount of WOCA Diamond Oil Active onto the sample. Spread the oil with a cloth or a piece of red 3M pad. The surface should be visibly wet. Leave the oil to soak on the sample for 15 minutes.
- Wet buff with the red 3m pad to force oil into the wood, buff/polish it well. Wipe off the surface oil with a cotton cloth. When finished, there should be no oil on top of the sample, and you should have a silky look. Leave the sample to dry for 5 – 6 hours.
- Repeat the oil application as in #2 & #3 above. You will use less oil than during the first application.