FAQ My floor is covered in construction dust, what do I clean it with?

If it is a Prefinished floor, contact the manufacturer.

For site finished surfaces, here are a few options to try with caution. Results vary.

Do not wet or damp mop at first. Water and construction dust can make a paste in the grain or wire brushing that could be costly and laborious to remove.

Option 1. Take a medium to firm natural fiber brush and gently scrub the surface to loosen the dust and then vacuum. Repeat until all dust is removed. Then damp mop the floor with WOCA Natural Soap or Oil Refreshing Soap.

Option 2. Vacuum floor. Dilute 3 ounces to 1 gallon of water of Intensive Wood Cleaner and mop with a cotton string mop (Swep Mop) that you can wring. Change out the dirty mop water as you go. Once it is clean, wait at least 6 hours, and then you have Method A or B to restore the floor.

  • A. Apply Oil Refreshing Soap to the floor (dilute 6 ounces to 1 gallon of water) and damp mop or wet buff with a white floor pad and floor polisher.

Option 3. The most intensive remedy. Vacuum floor. Wet buff/polish the floor with a white or red floor pad and the Intensive Wood Cleaner solution. Have a helper follow and squeegee/wipe up the dirty slurry that buffing creates. Or use a wood floor scrubber (a cleaning machine specifically designed to clean wood floors). Once the floor is clean, wait at least 12 hours and then apply a coat of WOCA Oil to restore the finish.

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