FAQ Is an oil finish more durable than a polyurethane finish?

The short answer is no to a complex question. Polyurethane provides a protective film that repels water and stains, but it can be difficult to repair once damaged. Its protective coating scratches and wears down over time, making it necessary to sand and recoat the entire floor every few years. In contrast, WOCA Oils penetrate the wood and create a layer of protection from the inside out. Minor scratches and everyday wear and tear can be repaired by applying more oil to the affected area. With the recommended cleaning products, oiled floors have better resistance to stains and water damage. Without proper care, oiled floors can be more susceptible to stains and damage. WOCA Oiled floors do not require sanding when it's time to "refinish". It is a less invasive process than standard refinishing. The process is clean and apply a maintenance coat of oil, only to the areas that need it.

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