End Grain Oil Application Finish Instructions
WOCA Products needed for finishing End Grain Flooring:
For individual blocks or unfinished strips, use a drum or belt sander, first with 60 grit, then 80, then 100-grit drum paper. SAVE SAWDUST FOR FILLING. Disc Sand with 100-grit paper, 120- and 180-grit screens, making sure sanding is uniformly performed, and all drum lines and disc lines are removed. Vacuum clean. For individual blocks, strips and panels, fill the cracks with a stain accepting patch compound to specified color, granulated cork, or a mixture of the wood flour generated, and the finish to be used.
Absolutely no liquids (i.e. paint, coffee, water, mud, etc.) touch the flooring at this point, and keep everyone out of the room until the surface is protected. If there is a time lag between sanding and finishing, resin spots might appear in some species. They will disappear once finished.
1st coat, Primer Coat- Master Color Oil
After the flooring has been screened to 180-grit, apply the first coat of oil. The first application should be WOCA Master Oil and is considered the primer coat. It is the base for the subsequent oil applications. Choose your starting area and pour the oil into a paint tray. Spread the oil with a ¼" nap paint roller and extension pole. Roll the oil as if you are painting the floor. Continue to spread oil until finished.
Do not buff the 1st coat/primer coat of oil into the floor, as this forces too much oil into the floor and the oil will be too deep, which may cause later bleed back and prolonged drying.
Coverage is approximately 325-425 sq. ft. per 2.5 liter liter can of Master Color Oil. It is best to let the primer coat dry and harden a minimum of 48 hours, but 24 hours is acceptable.
2nd coat- Diamond Oil Active
The second application is made with WOCA Diamond Oil Active and is mixed with wood flour to fill and oil simultaneously. The WOCA Diamond Oil Active is to be mixed with the sanding dust that you accumulated in the drum sander bag during the drum or disc sanding. This filler mixture can be forced into the voids with a sponge trowel or rags, then buffed clean with a towel to remove excess.
Coverage is approximately a 30% wood flour/70% oil mix. 675-800 sq. ft. per 2.5 liter liter can of Diamond Oil Active. The wood flour to oil ratio may need to be adjusted based on how much space needs to be filled in the voids.
3rd coat- Diamond Oil Active
The third coat of WOCA Diamond Oil Active should be buffed into the floor with Green Patina Discs and 3M white pads until an even sheen has been achieved. The Green Patina Discs are necessary for best results.
Coverage is approximately 700 sq. ft. per 2.5 liter liter can of Diamond Oil Active.. Let this application dry and harden a minimum of 24 hours before starting the fourth coat.
4th coat- Master Color Oil
The fourth coat is with WOCA Master Oil and 3M white pads under the buffer, without green discs. For application efficiency, we suggest pouring a capful of WOCA Master Color Oil into the center hole of the 3M white pad and before dropping the buffer on it and then start buffing and polishing. Continue to spread and polish as you pass the buffer back and forth across the work area. The floor should appear silky and the finish should look even, with no oil spray or droplets visible. Pour more oil onto the floor as needed and continue polishing. Re-polish areas as needed for an even finish with no spray residue from previous passes. Repeat until the floor is finished.
Coverage is approximately 3125 sq. ft. per 2.5 liter liter can of Master Color Oil. Master Color Oil will usually pre-harden in 4-6 hours. Allow the oil to cure 72 hours before placing rugs and furniture on the floor.
Optional 5th coat- Master Color Oil
If a 5th coat is necessary, repeat the 4th coat application process.
Optional Water Based Urethane Topcoat
After the oil finish application(s) are complete, the surface can be top coated with a water based finish, like WOCA Advanced XP 2K. If a water based finish or polyurethane is applied, no future oiling can happen, the floor must be re-sanded.
Avoid spontaneous combustion by water soaking oil soaked rags and pads and make sure to dispose of properly per county regulations.
How long does it take Commercial Oil to cure?
Commercial Oil has a quick dry time and curing period, allowing for cleaning and re-oiling in a simple, single workflow.
Floors re-oiled with WOCA Commercial Oil have a drying time of 2 hours at 68°F. Floor should not be cleaned or exposed to water for 24 hours, while floor cures.