Exterior Oil Tester Application Info

  1. Dampen a clean cloth with water and wipe the sample evenly to open the wood grain and allow it to thoroughly dry.
  2. Pour a small amount of WOCA Color Oil onto the sample. Spread the oil with a cloth or a piece of red 3M pad. Add more oil and spread as needed to complete the sample. The surface should be visibly wet. Leave the sample to soak for 15 minutes.
  3. If possible, with a piece of red 3M pad, wet buff the sample to force oil into the wood. Wipe off the surface oil with a lint free cloth. Polish the sample with a clean cloth or, if possible, piece of white 3M pad. When finished, there should be no oil on top of the sample, and you should have a silky look. Leave the sample to dry for 5 – 6 hours.
  4. Repeat the oil application as in steps two and three above. You will use less oil than during the first application.

Note: The use of red and white 3M pads will simulate a buffer application, which forces more oil into the wood and smooths the wood grain.

Oil soaked rags/pads can self-ignite. Hang to dry or place in a container of water.

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